Monday, April 27, 2009

Before pictures

I had a Dr. appointment today. There was good news and not so good news. My glucose level was down to 134 this morning. I have lost 3 pounds, Lynn says if I loose 15 more, I can go off all medication,

When I asked him if that meant blood pressure too he said "No, well maybe."

On the South Beach diet they say you should loose 8-12 pounds in the first 2 weeks. I only lost 3 in 10 days. Let me see if I can explain this- I had lost 10 pounds, when my sugar levels were high because I was urinating a lot, and that was urinating out calories.
On the medication I am not loosing as much water or claories

Since December of 2007 when I got the CPAP machine, and thyroid medication I also lost about 10.

Here are a couple of pictures.

December 2007 April 2009

This is my before picture taken today. I am determined to get down to a size.......

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Diet, daffodils

OK, so, last week I told you I found out I was diabetic, the Dr. said I HAVE to loose weight, if I do I should be able to control the sugar with diet. He suggested South Beach or Weight Watchers.
So I started SB on the 15th.

If you don't know about this diet: for the first two weeks you can eat nothing but protein and vegetables. I thought OK, I like salads, you just put some meat and cheese in it. So I ate 8 salads in 5 days. Sunday evening for dinner, I put a salad on the table and thought , I absolutely can not eat any more lettuce. :-) Of course I didn't have to, I ate other vegetables and a pork chop. One day I felt like I just had to have something sweet, I had some unsweetened jello, that did the trick.

I have been on medication and the diet for ten days. I feel better, I am sleeping better, for the last few days I have been able to get up early enough to ride my exercise bike before I get ready for work. I check my blood glucose level every morning and the numbers get a little lower everyday. I think I am going to have somebody take a picture of me so I can have some before and after photos because I am determined to loose this weight, by the Gilbert reunion in June I hope to be 25 pounds thinner.

We got a lot of rain yesterday. It knocked down a lot of the daffodils by the back door. I realized that I have three different kinds of daffodils. I can't remember the variet names.

These are a double variety

These two colored ones,

And these white ones

Oh yeah, We ran a stop sign, T-boned another car yesterday. Thankfully no one was hurt. The care is probably totaled.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring is Sprung?

A beautiful day yesterday, temps in the high 60's, this morning it is only 47, gray and rainy. Here are some more photos.

The lilacs are budding.

I have no idea what these little flowers are.

The pussy willows are going to seed all ready

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I taught 4 computer classes and attended 2 workshops.

I had an eye Dr. appointment. After the exam, the Dr. said she was concerned because there was such a big change in my prescription. They called Dr. Van Wagnen's office and made an appoint for 3:00 that afternoon. at Lynn's office I sat in the waiting room for 45 minutes, then in the examining room so long, I thought they might have forgotten about me. I was there a total of 2 and 1/2 hours.

They checked my blood glucose level, it was 260, my blood pressure was 160 over 90.
So I now have a blood glucose meter, and have to check my blood everyday. I was not feeling bad, and I thought I was doing well, I had lost another 10 pounds. Lynn said it was because of the sugar, and I would probably put some of it back on, while we are trying to regulate the sugar. Yippee :(

I get home and found out Charlie had gone to his Dr. because his toes have been bothering him. A few months ago he had the Dr. look at them and was told it was a fungus, got some cream for the toes and spray for the boots. This time the Doc said he has no idea what it is, drew some blood and made an appoint at the podiatrist

A couple of days ago Shonda called to tell me she was going to the Med station because she has an abscess ( an in-grown hair?) or something in her arm pit. The Dr. told her it would probably have to be lanced, but gave her some antibiotics and told her to try those for a few days, because she has no insurance and a very low pain tolerance. So Wednesday on my way home from work she called to tell me she was on the way to the emergency room, the med station wasn't open, to have them look at this thing because it has gotten about 10 times bigger (her words not mine). She called at about midnight to let me know she was just leaving the ER. They had lanced the abscess.

Charlie said he drove the truck over a bump and the wheels started shaking, He took it in today- wheel bearings need to be replaced.
My car sprung a coolant leak, I put more coolant in it, and decided to take it to the mechanic across the street from the library on Friday.
I put coolant in it, started for work, by the time I got to Jackson, it started to overheat, I managed to make it to work. It is a broken head gasket it will cost over $1000.

OK! ENOUGH! That was depressing, but like the song says That's Life.

Now the Good News
I have a job, we have our house
Charlies truck loan is paid off.
A friend has loaned his truck for the next few days
The weather has been beautiful the last couple of days

The daffodils have lots and lots of buds and there are even a few blooms.

The rhubarb, the Iris, even some lilies are sprouting

The pussy willow is already going to seed already. The forsythia and Periwinkle are blooming.

I have managed to stay on the South Beach Diet for 3 days and think I have already lost a few more pounds :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Horses, spring and More Snow

It has been almost a month since I blogged - sorry about that.
Let's see if I can remember what has happened. You know my life is so exciting.

One of Charlie's horses had some health issues and the story is really funny but it might be rated R and they would pull my blog. Let's just say that it is a gelding, but it was having problems with it's male parts. When you see me ask me about it.

The last blog said I thought Spring was almost here, but I had not heard the frogs enough times. Well the old wives tale must have been right because we got a few inches of snow dumped on us last Sunday night and Monday morning. Here are some pictures I took on my way out the door on Monday morning (April 6)

It is a beautiful day today the sun is shining and it is about 57 degrees in Jackson.

For those of you who are not "family" one of my uncle passed away on March 31, after a very short illness. It was good to see all of the family at the funeral, but it is too bad that it was for that reason.

I did some appraising at the Affiliate (State) DI competition on Saturday. There were some really good challenge solutions. Springport has a team going to Globals again. Our all girls technical team. Way to Go !

My home computer has been on the fritz for a couple of weeks, I am writing this at work so I guess I better close now. I'll try to write on Sunday and tell you all. for you southerners that would be y'all, about Easter.