My life

Creative Problem Solving.
After the kids were put to bed I went into the bathroom, looked in the mirrow over the sink and the sink fell off the wall.
After all these years, I get a picture in my head of Lucille Ball, holding up a sink water spraying all over. 

What to do, what to do. I couldn't lay the sink down,  I was afraid the pipes would break.  I tried slipping back on the little brackets on the wall.  I pinched my fingers,  cried, muttered profanites. 

I finally got the sink back up on the wall, on these little tiny "tabs" but there was still water spraying from the pipes.  

I knew that I needed something to tighten the collar, coupling thingys.  
A WRENCH !!!! That's what I needed,  a wrench, maybe pliers.

I ran to the basement.  No tools, not a wrench, not pliers.   I ran upstairs.  I searched the drawers,  A nut cracker, (kind of like pliers)  I tightend the pipes, the water stopped,    I cleaned up what seemed like sevral gallons of water.  

Success.  I didn't even wake up the kids.

A couple of hours later.  My aunt, uncle and parents came home.   I of course had to tell them what happened, why all of the towels were soaking wet. 

I thought I did a great job, but what did they do?   My dad and uncle went in and tore the  sink off the wall, so they could  fix. it.  Go figure!!!!!

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