Monday, August 3, 2009

Chicken Fat

Hey it’s only been a week since I posted last. I'm doing good.

Most of the time I agree with Jenn, usually what I do doesn’t seem to blog worthy.

I lost 4 pounds last week, but gained 2 over the week-end.

We have been having a discussion at work about exercise and fat etc.

I remembered a song called Chicken Fat or Go you Chicken Fat go (by Robert Preston) in the early 60’s for the President’s council on Physical Fitness.

Only 3 of us say they remember it, but I thought would share with all of you. Just for fun

This is the first one I found, just the song and a power point presentation

This one kind of what it looked like when I was in school, except that we only had 12 kids in my class. I am not sure I could do the whole 6 minutes now,

But I probably could do this version

This version the little cartoon just makes me laugh. It reminded Jean and I of a dance we used to do call the

1 comment:

  1. This is a test. I have had a couple of people tell me that they can't leave comments on the blog.


Your turn. Let me know what you think.