Thursday, October 29, 2009

Catching up.

It has been a while since I offically posted anything on this blog. What can I say? Nothing has happened worth blogging about. I am still losing weight but not as fast as this summer, I still have several pounds to go but I am down 4-5 sizes (depending on the style) in slacks, only 1-2 sizes in tops.
I have been busy this week teaching staff and public classes at the library. The new information system we have migrated to is, as with most things new giving some people fits, but I think it is a better system, and once they get used to it everyone, the staff and public will be happy with it.

We have a new horse, one of the girls down the road bought a buckskin and is boarding it with us.

One of the other girls has been diagnosed with N1H1. I hope we don't catch it.
Will write more later.

1 comment:

  1. You've been looking great lately girl! Keep up the good work, you're an inspiration!

    Re: H1N1, they say those 27 & older have already been exposed & are unlikely to get it. I know I shared a bed with Tessa for two nights, her coughing & sneezing everywhere, & I'm still mysteriously healthy as is J. Don't fret too much.


Your turn. Let me know what you think.