Saturday, June 20, 2009

Springport 8-80 days

Charlie's 4H group rode their horses in the 8-80 days parade today. It was a beautiful day, and there were lots of people. Some years there don't seem to be very many, this was a good year.

Charlie had to have the farrier (horse shoe-er) come this morning before, they could go to the parade, to put a pad and shoes on one of the horses. The "girls" apparently were having her do sliding stops in the arena, yes Charlie has told them not to, and it has worn one of her back hooves down to the frog (the soft part of the foot in the center) The poor horse was in so much pain she couldn't walk yesterday afternoon, her back legs kept collapsing.

They do have roping and speed competitions where the horses do need to do sliding stops, but they have special shoes, so it does not wear down the hoof.

I am on vacation this week, but I don't think we are doing anything, or going anywhere.
Next weekend- the Gilbert Reunion. See some of you there.


  1. sounds great, what exactly is 8-80 days? see ya saturday

  2. 8-80 days is the local summer "festival." It is called 8-80 days because there are things for everyone from 8 to 80. They have pedal tractor pulls, frog jumping contest, Pet shows, cow plop contest, tractor pull, horse pull, belt sander races. The typical summer festival stuff.

  3. Cow plop contest? I have to see this one.

    And we'll be at the reunion on Saturday.


Your turn. Let me know what you think.