Friday, December 26, 2008

Quiet Christmas

Well, it was a quiet Christmas, Shonda came on Wednesday evening, we ate and opened our presents, then she had to get back to work on Christmas morning. Charlie and I just hung around the house and had steaks fixed on the new George Forman Grill that Shonda gave me.

Charlie got a new Michigan Atlas, he has used the old one some much it fell apart.

We also got some new camping equipment, cast iron swing away grill and cook set to hang pans over the campfire, there are pictures at Sportsmans Guide

Charlie and Shonda got a couple of dress shirts, and a new digital camera that didn't include the memory card (now wonder they were so in expensive.)

I sent the annual newsletter out on Wednesday, but if you read this blog, you had already seen most of it. I did forget to add that Charlie spent most of the summer building a large horse arena which will come in handy for the 4H kids to practice. In case I didn't mention before we now have 10 horses. Two of them were given to him because the owner didn't want to feed them all winter, three of them he is boarding, they pay for the feed.

I was supposed to work today, but just as I started out the door, it started sleeting, and with all the weather reports, I decided not to go. It was probably a good idea our driveway and road were a solid sheet of ice.

Gees, isn't this exciting? Hope you aren't too board, or maybe you should read this just before you turn in for the night, it might make you sleepy.


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