Saturday, September 8, 2007

Cross Country and Horse shows.

Friday September 7, 2007.
It has been a busy week. School starting, getting into a routine, cross country practice, equestrian practice, cross country meets, equestrian meets, we have had something going on every night this week. Tonight a football game. Tomorrow the first equestrian meet. Wow, and I thought I was through with all this running around.
Anna had her second Cross Country meet on Wednesday, the Springport invitational, I would guess there were about 350 kids competing. She finished in the top half of the pack and cut about 2 (TWO) MINUTES off her time from last week, but now her knee is bothering her (an old injury that she has had surgery on.)
Saturday September 8, 2007
Our first equestrian meet today- WOW. We got there about 8:00 AM and didn’t get home until after 6:00. Anna was supposed to compete in 6 different classes, or events but the horse she has borrowed, was not cooperating today. He was good in the first event, showmanship. In the first riding event, he was “being very uncooperative, he was bucking and jumping around, they had to take him out of the ring so he would not endanger other horses and riders. They managed to get him calmed down and a little more cooperative, in time for her to ride in one of her scheduled events. She placed third in showmanship. The event she competed in they had to split, (two heats) then called back the top 12. She was called back for the final group but did not place. At least now, she knows what to work on and we know what to expect at our next horse show Satruday and Sunday next week.
That's why I don't ride horses- arguing with a 2,000 pound animal does not sound like fun to me.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I wouldn't agrue with a 2000lb animal either probably. I have a hard enough time getting our 70lb animal to do what I want him too:)


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