My sister and part of her family went camping this weekend, at som property they own. It is within the village limits but is set back off the road behind the houses. They have a pond and have built a pavilion. When your out there it feels almost like you are way out away from everything.
We went out for the day yesterday. The weather was really pretty chilly and it rained on and off all day, but it was an enjoyable day.

A couple of geese landed on the pond, We tried to get the dog, to chase them away, becasue they would rather not have geese nest on the pond and have to deal with all of the droppings. The dog, would have nothing to do with the geese, he would retrieve sticks all day, but not chase the geese.
One of my sisters's daughters and her husband just bought a new camper. They were loving it.
The 19 month old, kept us all busy. He loves being out doors, and anything that has wheels, a moter

and moves, the lawn mower, the tracter, the 4 wheeler, even the stroller thingy that is made to pull behind a bike or jog with. He'd set in it and say vroom, vroom while somebody pushed him aroud. Kids are so cute at that age.
I am going camping next weekend with my sister, and brothers, Charlie is not going because he doesn't want to pull the camper 2 weeks in a row, and is too busy with his horses.
Getting our camper ready to go, we are going with Charlie's 4H group on Memorial Day weekend to Waterloo.
The weather today is not real great either, but I did manage to pick some lilacs for the table.
Happy trails... talk to you later.