I went out this evening and took some more pictures.
This is of some of the apple trees in back of the shed.
the center one is full of blossoms, the others are just starting to bloom.
These phlox are in the north side of the house next to the well.
I spent most of the week a t Grand Traverse Resort for the Rural Library conference. The conference was good, as it usually is, I brought back lots of ideas for future programs and such.
Usually they have really good food, rich but very good. Not so much this week. The same salad, 3 meals in a row. the same vegatable for 5 meals. Breakfast one morning fruit and sweet rolls.
the next morning french toast and backed apple with granola topping. The meat was varied, but I found it a little dry. Maybe it is just because I am trying to stick to a diet, but it seems like there was more variety and better preparation at past conferences.
According to my scales I have lost another 2 or 3 pounds.
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