I rode down with my sister and her husband, we got a later start than planned because they had some problems with their camper, the slide out wouldn't slide back in and there was a problem with the hitch. It rained most of the way down.
We got there about 5:00 PM, set up as did my nieces and their husbands. One in their camper, one in a tent.
We had dinner, sat around the campfire and it started pouring- it rained HARD all night long.
I slept in my brother's pop-up, which was nice and dry, but a little noisy what with the rain hitting the canvas pop outs and the metal center roof.
This is what we woke up to on Saturday morning.
I think my nephew will be writing a review of his tent on his outdoor blog, Simply Outdoors
The park rangers did let us change campsites, the rain stopped sometime early afternoon and although it was cold, we managed to hang in.
Sunday morning was beautiful, too bad we had to leave.
But as I have said before, we have to have something to remember our camping trips by this one will be waking up in a swamp.
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