Created just because I can. To stay in touch with friends and family, to share information and I hope fun. To talk about what is going on in my life. Check back often. I will try to update often.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Christmas at Our House.
I said do you need it before Christmas, if not put it in the cart I will wrap it and put it under the tree.
He already knew he wanted to get me the GPS, so picked it out and we paid for it.
Christmas Day, as I was about to open my gift I said "Gee I wonder what this is" and he looked at me funny, I said it is from you, still no glue, I opened it and he said oooh.
He opened his and I something like Gee, I hope that is what you wanted, since you picked it out, He said, I did? I guess he's right he needs to remember to take his ginkgo biloba pills or something :-) He also got a professional picture of Shonda (and Anna)
I also got a magic bullet blender and some new mixing bowls from Shonda,
Shonda got a new coat and tickets to the Taylor Swift Concert at the Wharton Center in January.
Shonda went to Kentucky on Christmas Day evening, with Brian's family to spend time with Brian's mom's side of the family. I think they are planning on coming back today.
You may remember I told you a couple of posts ago that I was scheduled to go to the sleep clinic.
I was not scheduled to spend the night at the sleep disorder clinic until January 28th, but they had a cancellation and asked me if I could come in called me on Wednesday December 26th.
The Dr. had told me they would do it in two nights: the first night they would watch me sleep with out the apparatus, the second night, which was already scheduled for February , they would put me in the apparatus and compare sleep patterns etc.
They wired me up and I went to bed about 10:30. They came in at one point, I'm guessing about midnight, and put an oxygen tube in my nose, and asked me to sleep on my back, I always sleep on my side. At the initial consultation they asked all kinds of questions, one was, have you ever woke up thinking you were suffocating, at the time I said no. Now I can see why they asked that question, there were about three times, I could not get a breath. They finally told me I could get in a comfortable position.
At about 3:00 AM they came in and put me on the CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure) machine. I slept until about 7, and woke up by myself. So I had about 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep and felt better than the previous day when I got 8 hours. I felt more rested and nothing hurt.
So somebody is supposed to call me to set me up with a CPAP machine so I can use it for a few weeks before I see the Dr. again on February 11th.
Lynn told me that there is some indication that the sleep apnea can contribute to being overweight instead of the reverse like they have thought for many years. He had a patient that weighed over 300 pounds, and year after being treated for Sleep Apnea had lost 100 pounds, without going on a diet. He just didn't feel like eating, and had more energy.
I hope it makes me feel better, I am tired of being tired all the time.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Exchange Student Update
Yesterday afternoon, when Anna was taken to a temporary home, she of course pouted all the way there. When they got there they placed a call to the D.R. who spent 20 minutes on the phone telling her how things were going to happen-in know uncertain terms, including that she is to have no contact with PWSRN. Anna indicated that she understood. They hung up the phone and Anna asked if she would be able to spend Christmas with PWSRN. She is determined to have things her own way.
Family Christmas

We had a good time, got lots of nice things the “guys” and Jennifer and Shonda went on the toboggan run I don’t have any pictures though will someone send me some? Here are some of the pictures I do have. These are the ones, I used to finish up the scrapbook Kathy started for me.

A Very Rough Week
- that she needs to listen to her parents,
- that parents know what is best for their child,
- or yes every child gets angry at their parent and they will work things out if they talk about it.
- Or come and talk to us about their concerns,
At least two people people called the YFU office and told them Anna was unhappy and who knows what else, one Person, Who Shall Remain Nameless, filled out an application to have Anna live with them. Anna wanted to go stay with PWSRN, and was told, by YFU that would not be possible.
Anna doesn’t see that PWSRN has done anything wrong, even though we tried to tell her it is like calling the government and asking them to take a child away from their parents.
It was beginning to effect her health. she was having stomach pains, and one afternoon the school called, Charlie took her to the emergency room because they were so bad.
Anna met some kids from Holt and asked if she could transfer to Holt. Charlie told her it probably was not possible, for several reasons, not the least of which was that there is not bus that runs from here to Holt, a 30 mile trip one way, She really really wanted to find out so he told her he would check with the school and YFU (both said no by the way). She even had some check to see what busses ran from here to Holt.
We were asked to take her to a counselor last Sunday- the only one available was in Fenton, we drove there and back in the middle of the blizzard and saw several cars and a Semi truck in the ditch. It should have been a trip of a little over an hour and it took 3 hours
The counselor asked what we would all like from this “experience: What Anna said what she wanted was for me to spend more time with her, do more things with her, and that Charlie not be so strict, let her go to see who ever she wanted when ever she wanted. She thought it was too controlling to want to know where she was who she was with, how she was getting there and back and what time she would be home.
The counselor recommended that we all compromise, now that things were out in the open, what Anna expected what we expected. etc. That we try it for another 3-4 weeks and see what happens.
So for two days things seemed to be a little better. Then on Tuesday evening we got a phone call from one individual who told Charlie he was acting like he did not trust their family and that the way he treated Anna was disturbing and inappropriate
Before anyone else went to YFU with these accusations, Charlie called the District Rep and them and told them about it.
The D.R. Call Anna and talked to her, talked to Charlie and me.
Any way after several phone calls, and Anna telling us that the D.R told her something different that what was being told to us, We were told she would be moved, she could stay through Christmas until they found another family.
So she went to school yesterday, told them she was going to have to move, at least one teacher called YFU. Said she couldn’t take her but recommended someone else, All without talking to us again.
We had a huge emotional mess in the evening, talking to the D.R. Anna sobbing.
The D.R. Finally told us that every time she talked to Anna, PWSRN came up and Anna asked why she could stay with her again
She was sick, Friday evening, I heard her vomiting, she said she had an upset stomach.
She was telling us she didn’t want to leave she would miss her friends (the ones that she was so unhappy with last week) When I asked her if she wanted to stay in our home she refused to even answer.
She stayed at a friends home last night, the mother, another host mother, called the D.R, 3 times, again without talking to us.
In the end, Anna was moved Saturday afternoon, we are not sure what will happen, if she will be moved and stay on program, or go home to Germany. but she will not be coming back to Peters Road or to Springport. This has been very rough on us, especially for Charlie.
In the middle of all of this, I had a Doctor’s appointment, just a semi-annual Blood Pressure check, , He told me I looked awful. I told him I was really tired, and Charlie couldn’t sleep because I snore so loudly. He sent me to the sleep clinic for a consultation. They think I may have sleep apnea, and I have to go in the end of January so they can watch me sleep. Apparently, this is fairly easy to correct and can really make a difference in the way someone feels, when they get a good nights sleep.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Year in Review.
I have been negligent, and not written anything for 2 weeks. Not a whole lot to write about.
I guess I could do a year in review:
Our exchange student, Chris Hofer, participated in
Shonda continued to take classes at
In March, Joyce supervised a very successful Regional Celebration of Creativity Tournament.
Charlie’s horse herd was expanded by one- Storm was born on April 30, in the middle of a storm, just before
Niece, Michelle wedded Ben Murphy April 21.
Joyce was able to go to
Chris “graduated” from Springport in June. Charlie and Joyce took him up North to see some of
Chris returned to
We attended, cousin, Jordan Keeley’s wedding in July. A beautiful ceremony at the lake, even though the weather was
Charlie created a “water feature” in the front yard, that attracted a couple of frogs. Then he went white water rafting in
Shonda had her birthday on August 15th and boyfriend, Brian turned 25 on the 16th. It really doesn’t seem possible that she is 20 years old, or that we, Charlie and Joyce have been married 21 years.
A big disappointment this year was the defeat of the library expansion millage in August. That means a really tight budget next year, and no new buildings like we had all hoped.
Anna-Lena Werner, our exchange student from
Charlie managed to get her involved with the Springport Equestrian team and she ran on the cross country team, the senior class built their float at our house and the girls practiced for powder puff football.
Shonda just finished another semester with a 4.00The whole Choate clan welcomed Michelle and Ben's, Benjamin Robert Murphy into our family in October.
That’s our year in about 60 seconds. I guess you could call it the Betz’ minute review of 2007.
Check back, I’ll try to do better with the updates this year. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas with friends and family.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Marjorie Virginia (Gilbert) Choate 1928-1999

by Shonda Betz
October 2006
“No!” she would shout, crossing her arms, imitating a young child in danger of being abducted. “Now you try it” Being four and stubborn, I was no stranger to yelling “no”

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Another Exciting Week Some good books
Anna went to a couple of Basketball practices and did not like it at all, she didn't like the coach yelling, hurry up, you have to be faster. At the urging of a couple of other girls she went out for cheerleading, and everyone makes the team. Because she is so small she was selected to be one of the "fliers" but 3 of the four girls who are her lifters have never done that before so there are some challenges in working that out- you can't fly if your lifters cannot lift and hold evenly. She seems to be having fun and says the girls are much friendlier than some of the girls she has had in her classes.
She as had some of the girls come up to her and tell her not to talk to some boy because that is so and so's boyfriend. In an effort to meet new people and make new friends, she asked one of the girls on the equestrian team if she could be her physics lab partner. The girl shrugged gave her " a look" and said , I guess, when another girl came up she said "is SHE working with us? Girl 1 said again with a shrug and a look, "I guess."
One of the girls whom she is working with in Spanish knew me from DI, and is a real sweetie, they seem to get along better.
Anna is frustrated because so many of the kids do not do their work and the teachers let them get away with it and don't feel like they can move on if 95% of the kids don't "get it."
For example: In English the kids were supposed to read the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and have a quiz on it this week and because most of the kids have not read it, because it is "too hard" Anna-Lena has to read, it Charlie reads it then they discuss it because she is trying to understand the old southern dialect and she got it done. The teacher has given them another two weeks.
In Spanish they have taken the same "map quiz" three or 4 times. When one of the girls said something the teacher said, something about her being smart and couldn't she the teacher couldn't move ahead until the class gets it.
It seems to me that if the teachers would not coddle them quite so much and really expect them to do their work they would get farther,
On to more "cheerful" subjects. Brian, Shonda's boyfriend, got a nice 8 point buck this week, and his dad got a really nice one too. I don't have any pictures, maybe Shonda took some I can share later.
Only three days of work this week- I am taking Friday after Thanksgiving off, I don't usually do that. I don't plan on doing any heavy shopping either- I hate those crowds.
Oh, a hint for those of you who might be checking several blogs, if you subscribe to a feed, you only have to check one spot to see which ones have been updated. Go to Common Craft- Social Design for the Web for a better explanation.
I sent an e-mail to those I thought might be interested but in case I missed you- I added some family history pictures to my flickr account, last week. go to and search for betzspt- it will pull up all of my pictures.
Anna also has an account- if you are interested search for annaleanwerner. You can also do an RSS feed on flickr accounts.
I also read Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya, the book chosen for the Libraries "Big Read" this year. I did not care for this one, but would be interested in what the rest of you thing about this one too.
For more light reading- A Bear in the Attic by Patrick F. McManus, I try to take some of these with us when we travel, It is something all three of us can listen to and enjoy together.
If any of you have read The Mitford Years series of books by Jan Karon, She is starting a new series, the first one Home to Holly Springs, and takes Father Tim back to his boyhood home.
Later - JB
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Que' Pasa?
My answer, not much this week, pretty quiet here, At work I had orientation for two new library employees, I think they will work out well, they both seem to be a lot of fun and have a lot of enthusiasm.
At home, Winter sports awards- Anna received an all conference academic athlete award for having a grade point of 3.2. She also received an MVP in Cross country, I think all three of the Seniors did for being good role models for the younger team members.
Anna went bowling with the Cross country team on Friday and shopping in Lansing with one of the girls on Saturday. She and Shonda are Christmas shopping again today.
Charlie got a couple more pictures of deer on his trail camera- I think they are of the same deer he got pictures of last week.
Noting else- pasaing here.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Quiet Week
Anna came in about 30th , with a time of 22:20, her personal best.
She is trying out for basketball. Practice starts tomorrow, she has never played American Basketball, but has played German Handball, which I guess is played as a team sport, We’ll have to see how it goes.
Shonda and Anna went Christmas Shopping yesterday- Shonda says she didn’t want to wait until the last minute.

Anna asked me if other people could go out hunting, with hunters, I told her sure, although Charlie hasn't hunted yeat this year he would probably take her out and let her see what it is like. I told her they really don't do much except sit and wait for something to walk by.
Talk to you all later. J.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I forgot to mention in the last post that Charlie put his trail camera out, we checked it ou for pictures today and he got 39 pictures of weeds blowing in the breeze.
More later j
Technology Woes, Football woes. Movies and books
Friday night football, The Springport Spartans, played at Sand Creek in the first round (pre-districts) of the MHSAA Football playoffs.
The weather was pretty nice for Football, but the game was not so good. Final score Sand Creek 35-Springport 14. Sand Creek has some tall kids on that team, one of them was listed as 6' 10". Spirngport needs to learn how to tackle, not around the waist and shoulders - around the knees and feet guys. On one play a Sand Creek player made 5 yards with 3 Springport players hanging on him. If Springport wants to use a running game they better have some blockers clear some room for their runners.
Cross Country Regionals was Saturday- at Ann Arbor Huron. Anna came in 21st in a field of 85, not bad, but only the top 20 go on to State. Her time was not great 23 minutes or something, It was raining and cold and they had a huge sledding hill.
The Jensen Run is Monday afternoon, with a banquet for that on November 5th. The school fall sports awards is November 8th.
A couple of weeks ago we watched the DVD Wild Hogs, with Tim Allen, John Travolta, William H. Macy and I can't remember the other guy. Oh yeah, Martin Lawrence. Not bad, Charlie, Anna, and I watched the whole thing. It was one of those, where I said, OK, I'm glad I didn't pay $10 to see, (but it would take a lot for me to say it was worth $10 ) but it wasn't bad for $1.00 I paid at the library.
Charlie and Anna wanted to watch a video last night, and Charlie thought Anna would like to see The Gods must be Crazy. About an African Bushman, trying to return a soda bottle to the God's and all of the things going on around him that he doesn't understand. Charlie and Shonda thought that was the funniest movie when they first watched. it about 10 years ago. I watched it with them once, it was OK. I watched about 20 minutes last night and went back to working on the computer. Anna watched about half and decided to go to bed. We have a VHS Copy of that one and The Gods must be Crazy II if anybody wants to borrow them. I don't think you can rent them anymore.
I just finished reading (listening) to a book that Jackson has chosen for the "Big Read" Project in the Spring. Bless Me Ultiama- about a young Catholic, Hispanic boy in New Mexico right after World War II. I really didn't like it. It was about the clashing of cultures- speaking only Spanish at home- English at school, his catholic faith (his mother hoping he would be a priest) vs witch-craft, and paganism, changing cultures. For one thing I couldn't identify with any of it. It was dark, and I did not find it at all enjoyable or uplifting. Ed do you know anything about the story? If you want to try reading maybe you can get something out of it I didn't.

Keep on keeping on- JB
Monday, October 22, 2007
Week-end happenings.
I can't even remember what we did last week-end. We did not go to the Springport Union City football game. They lost but only by one touch down. - Oh now I remember, we did one of my favorite things- we went shopping !!! Anna needed a new winter coat.
On Saturday Anna had a cross country meet in Constantine. Then she went to Grand Rapids and spent the night with a friend from Germany. I did laundry and grocery shopping- two of my other favorite things. On Sunday we drove half way to pick her up.
Monday Shonda, Anna and I went to meet baby Benjamin Murphy. What a cutie, even if he did sleep most of the time, except for the few minutes that Shonda feed him.
Tuesday, the 16th, Anna had a Cross Country meet at Homere, she has her best time at 22:40. but finished, I think 11th.
Sometime in there the computer started acting up, it is being really slow and takes for ever to get anything done.
Thursday, I took Anna-Lena and Christina to Charlotte, to shop (yeah) for Charlie's Birthday gifts, one of the first things they stopped to look at was make-up, I had to remind them that we were there looking for something for Charlie. The weather was terrible on the way home. I apparently missed the worst of the storm, the tornado siren went off in Springport about midnight (Friday somebody said it is the first time they remember it going off in 40 years.) I never heard a thing.
Friday, the 19th we went to Bellvue, actually Olivet for the Bellvue-Springport football game. I was afraid we were going to get really wet, but it wasn't too bad. Springport won 31 -10. They played much better than they have the last several weeks and got, what seemed to me, like many fewer fouls. Which means they made it to the play-offs for the second year in a row.
If anybody from Gobles in reading this, Do we have any "Gilberts" on the football team this year? Cecilia says Hi to your exchange student.
Saturday-another Cross Country meet, at Whitmore Lake, Anna- didn't do as well, time wise, but she did finish in the top third and got a medal. Charlie went to a horse clinic up the road, learned a little about who to "de-sensitize" horses, in other words get them to be less afraid of new things and distractions.
We went up to MSU to the Draft horse show on Saturday evening, Saw some awesome looking teams of 6 and 8 huge horses pulling their wagons. How cool. I told Charlie I'd ride in the wagon with him if he ever wanted to compete in that kind of show. (I will try to post some pictures later)
Shonda and Brian came over on Sunday and we had Charlie's Birthday dinner. They bought him a trail cam for his birthday so maybe I will have some deer pictures to post if I ever get the computer to work properly. (I am posting this from work, by the way-shhh!!)
Next week is regionals, I think ours is at Ann-Arbor Huron, not sure if it is Friday or Saturday. Football at Sand Creek Friday at 7:00. I know we used to have some relatives that went to school there, but I don't know if we still do or not.
Leaves are finally getting some nice color, maybe I can get out and get some pictures of those too.
That's all for now -
Ciao, J.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Catching up- Odds and Ends

I took this first picture- on the left, on the way to Jonesville one evening, couple of weeks ago, The one on the left, I took on the way to work, while waiting at a stop light on airport road.
Springport lost their football game last night, really lost- 44-0.
There was a nice article about the freshman quarter back in the Jackson Paper on Thursday, I was going to put the link in but I can’t find it at, The regular QB got a concussion, his second, and hurt his shoulder in the second game of the season, they brought up a freshman, to replace him instead of taking a couple of the other kids who were doing well in their current positions and leaving holes where they would have been. Nic was doing well.
This was a big game– a chance for the league championship, the first time since 1973- Springport’s record 5-1 overall, 5-0 in the conference. Reading 4-1 in the conference, and Union City 5-0 in the conference. We knew it was going to be a tough came, but this was really really ugly, after Reading’s second touchdown, it was like they just gave up.
The poor quarter back, the whole team was having a terrible night.
Anna-Lena said that one of the kids was so mad about it he pounded something and went home, instead of hitting somebody, but the rest of the team had an Oh, well attitude.
There was a big article in the Citizen Patriot Yesterday (Saturday) too.
They have win at least one of their next games (Union City and Bellevue to make it to the playoffs.)
Cross Country
Anna had a meet on Tuesday at Jonesville and finished well, with a time of 23:15 At the meet this morning in Bellevue, she finished 8th in 23:30 her goal is to finish in under 21. They have I think 6 more meets, and it should be a little cooler so she still has a chance to make it.
She is at a horse show in Delton, this afternoon and tomorrow I’ll let you know how that goes.
Tom, Kathy and Michelle, came to the meet to watch cheer Anna-Lena, Michelle is still very pregnant, but it could be anytime. I was rooting for yesterday, (October 6, Mom's birthday,) but I guess not.
We got an e-mail from Christoph, he says he has been busy with school, but now as a break or a vacation for 3 weeks. He also says he is trying out for a football team in November, American Football.
Still attending JCC, working 3 days a week for Spartan Motors in Charlotte. Between that and her boyfriend, we don't see much of her, but that's what happens at 20 years old.
Don't we lead an exciting life?
Oh I have written a couple of book reviews for the Jackson District Library Webpage Blog, not because the books were so great or because I am an expert, but because we needed to put some new stuff on our webpage. So far, I have reviewd The Nanny Diaries, The Earth, My Butt and Ohter Big Round Things, and Playing for Pizza.
If you would like to read them, the reviews, not the books, look on the left hand side of the page, click on the ones, with book review in the title.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Football, Floats and Birthdays
The football team won the homecoming game 14-6, nobody scored until the end of the third quarter. This makes them, 5-0 in the conference and 5 -1 overall. They play Reading next week, (4-1 in the conference) and Union city 5-0. This means they have a chance at the conference title; their last Big Eight title was
We drove to Centreville, to see a horse clinic on Saturday. Dennis Reis, who is on RFD-TV. They called Charlie a few weeks ago and asked him if he was interested in free tickets. He asked for enough for the parents of the questrian team because they all said they would like to go, but it ended up just one other family. Oh, well, that's what happens-everyone is just so busy.
Then the Senior class came here for their float burning bonfire.
Today Anna-Lena went to the Detroit Lions game, with a friend whose boss, has season tickets. If you’re watching on TV look for her ;-)
Anna made a comment a couple of days ago that she has not had a weekend- to sleep in since she has been here. It certainly isn’t my schedule that’s keeping her from sleeping late. She still has a few more weeks, before she will have the opportunity to sleep in, there is a cross country meet and horse show next weekend- and Cross Country the next week.

Charlie is leaving this afternoon for Houghton Lake fishing with his brother tomorrow, so check back to see what he catches, and maybe some good fish stories.
Did you know that this week is the 20th anniversary of the smiley face emoticon :-)
Keep smiling. J
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Cross Country
Springport Homecoming-
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Cross Country, Baby Showers, and Homecoming Floats
Friday Night Football, Springport beat Jonesville, after a scary first half, going into half time behind 7-14, they came out pumped, and beat them 35-14.
Yesterday Anna, had a cross country meet in Pittsford, she came in 5th of 50 and cut another minute off her time – three miles in 23.2 minutes. Her goal is to get under 21. There are 5 more weeks in the Cross Country season, so she has a good shot, if she keeps up that pace.

Anna had a YFU meeting today
And it is homecoming week, the seniors are building their float at our house. That is always fun
Sometimes, it seems like a lot of work, but it is fun, and I think it
Later, J
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Horses shows and what are they talking about.?
I just finished the laundry(9:00PM on Tuesday,) and have not done the weekly grocery shopping.
The Springport Football team, beat Concord 40-0 on Friday. Even some of the team members said the third quarter was boring. Springport played the second string and Concord still couldn’t score.
This weekend was the district horse show, the first place team advance to regionals. I think Springport was only 4 points short.
I have to say, after watching horses for out of 8 days, I don’t get it at least not the finer points. One of the girls competed in a “trail pattern,” she had to make the horse side step a pole, open a gate, step over some poles, check a mail box and back up between two poles. I didn’t see any mistakes, she came in third.
The speed events were fun to watch, even the coaches said the fitting and showing (the picture on the left) and the equitation (the picture on the right) are kind of boring.
Oh, well, the idea was for Anna, to participate and have some new experiences, and get to know some new
Upcoming events:
This week-end a baby Shower and YFU meeting. Next week all week. The Senior class is building the homecoming float at our house, homecoming parade and football.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Cross Country and Horse shows.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Friday Night Football
I just got home from what has to be one of the longest High School Football games on record. 4 hours and 10 minutes.
First, with 2:34 left in the first half they called a lightening delay- not rain just lightening, that took and an hour and twenty minutes. Then Homer had 2, 3, 4 injured players that took several minutes to get up and walk off the field. I think at least one of them was just tired and wanted to rest.
Half time was during the weather delay, so they had to come out and finish the second quarter. Springport's Tyler Tarpley made a 93 yard run for a touch down. Springport got another touch down at the begining of the third quarter, then it got really boring for most of the rest of the game. Fianlly Springport over Homer 39-28.
Sunday, September 2, 2007

The picture on the left is Anna-Lena practicing in Finney. The horse she will be riding next week-end. The picture on the left is her riding in Germany.
Anna-Lena will be riding in the Hunt seat, Saddle Seat and Bareback class. I have no idea what that means except that bareback is without a saddle, the riders yesterday were wearing, derby hats and what looked almost like tuxedos. Most of the other Springport team members ride western, I believe this is the first time Springport has had anyone ride in these classes.
Then we picked up the horse, took her to another friends house who helped Anna with the showmanship part, leading the horse around the arena. That is a little different in
The team’s first competition of the year is next Saturday, at the Ingham county fair grounds in Mason. I think they will be taking the horses over on Friday night, and the show is on Saturday. She is excited about being able to at the fair grounds with the coaches and other girls. More later. JB
Monday, August 27, 2007
Week-end Wanderings
Brian, Shonda’s boy friend, called in from his way home from
I did find out that there are probably 3 guys who have "eyes" for Anna already and school hasn't even started.
Buying that phone was annoying, I knew what I wanted, but had to have a clerk unlock the phone, Anna and Charlie were with me, someone asked a question and the clerk who had not much of an idea what he was talking about tried to sell me smoothing I didn’t want, and created a whole lot of unnecessary confusion with 4 us trying to decide. Geeze I hate that.
Got home the shade was not wide enough, and we couldn’t activate the phone (they are only open during regular Monday-Friday business hours. I have to take the blinds back today and activate the phone today too. Not a big deal, just seems like everything goes haywire at once.
We attended a Lansing Lugnuts game on Sunday, a beautiful day. This was supposed to be a library employee/family outing, but there were only 6 of us total, (2 employees) Anna and her friend had never seen a baseball game, so the first few innings were spent explaining the game to them. The game was a little slow during innings 4-8 when with a seven run lead, the lugnuts almost lost the game to the loons but managed to pull of a win by 1 run. )
One young man (no more than 6 years old) who was standing in the front row almost caught a foul ball, but missed, because it hit him in the head and bounced off to a the kids in the next seat. He went to dad, crying with a big head ache. The head ache seemed to stop when his friend gave him the ball, later he really made out when one of the players walked out and gave him a bat apparently to help him recover from the pain.
We all had an opportunity to do the chicken dance and the hokey pokey. Yeah ;-)
The weather was beautiful and we had great seats, row 11, and right at first base. a good time was had by all (see the pictures)
Like I said a busy week-end- I’ll keep you posted.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Welcome to Michigan USA
We took her to Cabala’s to show her around, it has been several years since I had been there and it was the original one in Nebraska., I had forgotten how really big it is.
Ok Plan B do hotdogs on the grill, while the kids hung out in the yard.
It poured rain.
Ok Plan C – move the grill to the carport, - and we made roasted marshmallows, for s’mores over the propane flame.
On Saturday Charlie took her to Katie’s house, another horse person, she came home all excited about watching the equestrian competition today.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Cucumber Canoes
Something came up last week at a meeting, that nobody else had heard of, I (we) must have had a strange childhood.
I said when I was a kid; we used to take those, cut them in half lengthwise, and hollow them out and float them in the tub, as canoes, for toys.
-going barefoot all summer and being able to walk in the gravel without it hurting by July.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Family History and other stuff
Ok, I told myself when I started this that I WOULD write something at least once a week; I have found that sometimes that is not easy to do. Who wants to read about me doing the laundry and going to the grocery store?
I was away from work for 2 weeks, I had to take some vacation or loose it. We didn’t do anything in particular just hung around home and took it easy. I did work on some genealogy and found some extensions of existing branches and some new branches.
Happy Trails
Monday, July 30, 2007
Frogs and Toad

Then This afternoon he found these: Real frogs in our artificial pond.
I also got an e-mail today from a woman who found some of my family history pictures on filcker. Crossthwaite family pictures. She says she has some of the same pictures. Her great grandfather was our great grandmother's brother. I am in the process of sending her information and trying to add to hers on
Friday, July 27, 2007
July 27, 2007

I went to Lake Michigan with some friends, on Wednesday, not a great day weather wise it was only 68 degrees, according to the bank thermometer, in South Haven. It started raining at about Kalamazoo, and rained on and off the rest of the way there. It was cloudy but the rain held off for a couple of hours, so the kids had fun and we got away and had a nice lunch. The pictures of the lighthouse aren't great but here it is anyway.
Arthur, my nephew has been bitten by the family history bug. His grandfather flew in WWII and his cousin has tracked down a man who was a member of his grandfathers crew so I have been doing some digging for him. I am a little amazed at how much information I came up with from my home computer in just a few hours.
We got a copy of the DVD from Charlie's Whitewater rafting trip, but since I haven't figured

This is not Charlie's group but it will give you an idea of what it was like.
Oh and one more thing, Charlie has decided to join the 21st century he finally got decided to get a --drum roll please---- TA DA...A CELL PHONE. ;-)