Friday, July 27, 2007

July 27, 2007

Not a whole lot happening this week. I am on vacation, which means I am taking time off work but we are not going anywhere. Monday, I attended the "Open House" at the Springport Branch Library, not many people there for the open house but the library was fairly busy. I have made a few calls about the library expansion project, reminding people to vote, asking if we can use there names in an endorsement ad. In case you live in the area, and are not familiar with the Library expansion issue. Please check out the library web page. and please support us on Tuesday August 7th.
I went to Lake Michigan with some friends, on Wednesday, not a great day weather wise it was only 68 degrees, according to the bank thermometer, in South Haven. It started raining at about Kalamazoo, and rained on and off the rest of the way there. It was cloudy but the rain held off for a couple of hours, so the kids had fun and we got away and had a nice lunch. The pictures of the lighthouse aren't great but here it is anyway.

Arthur, my nephew has been bitten by the family history bug. His grandfather flew in WWII and his cousin has tracked down a man who was a member of his grandfathers crew so I have been doing some digging for him. I am a little amazed at how much information I came up with from my home computer in just a few hours.

We got a copy of the DVD from Charlie's Whitewater rafting trip, but since I haven't figured out how to post it to the blog yet, I am going to refer you to Youtube for a sample of what it was like.
This is not Charlie's group but it will give you an idea of what it was like.

Oh and one more thing, Charlie has decided to join the 21st century he finally got decided to get a --drum roll please---- TA DA...A CELL PHONE. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Charlie with a cell phone. wow!!! impressive. Welcome to the 21st century!!!!


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