Lots of things about birds this week, I am not sure why.
A week or so ago on his webpage, Arthur, my nephew- in-law, said he had baby Robin challenge him to a “duel or something." Well we had a pair of Robins build a nest in the tree just outside our south living room window. The nest is only about 5 ½ feet above the ground, I walked under it yesterday and the adults tried to dive bomb me. Later I found out why; the baby was ready to leave the nest I found it on the East side of the house hopping around and flapping it wings a few minutes later, luckily neither of the cats or the dog found it. I tried to get pictures but I am not fast enough. You will have to use your imagination and I know some of you have will have a wonderful picture of that, especially with me hobbling around with my ankle brace. Now the nest is empty and the robins are no longer guarding the tree so it is safe to walk or even sit under it.
I was driving by the Grand golf course today and just off one of the fairways at the west end of the course were two sand hill cranes. Cool.
On Tuesday Charlie went out to feed and water the pheasants and found 31 of them beheaded. Something got into the pen, it could have been an owl, or weasel or racoons. He found a couple of holes in the top of the fly pen. He thinks a couple more got loose, because the dog caught one, but Charlie rescued it, and he saw one that he couldn’t catch. We think we heard it last night in the horse pasture. He mended the holes, and so far the rest of them are OK so far.

Our project for this week was a new water feature next to the deck in the front of the house. The birds are drinking from it already and it is not quite finished. Here's what it looks like so far.

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