Well, another busy weekend
Friday Night Football, Springport beat Jonesville, after a scary first half, going into half time behind 7-14, they came out pumped, and beat them 35-14.
Yesterday Anna, had a cross country meet in Pittsford, she came in 5th of 50 and cut another minute off her time – three miles in 23.2 minutes. Her goal is to get under 21. There are 5 more weeks in the Cross Country season, so she has a good shot, if she keeps up that pace.

Shonda and I went to a baby shower for Michelle, my niece. Her due date is October 10 but there are lots of family members wit

h birthdays in September and October. An uncle today, and apparently he, the baby has missed that one. My brother has a birthday next week, Arthur, the baby’s uncle on October first, one of my aunts on the second, my mothers on the 6th, and two of my uncles on the 9th. I guess we have a no money, pool going. Here is a picture of “the girls” Anna went to a battle of the bands last night in Jackson. She says it is not her favorite kind of music, (the head banging screaming kind) but it was fun.
Anna had a YFU meeting today
And it is homecoming week, the seniors are building their float at our house. That is always fun

, one of the kids, Justin, is what Charlie calls a back yard engineer, give him a few supplies and he can figure out how to make almost anything. I think Justin was amazed that Charlie had so much stuff, he would say do you have…?, by the end of the day, he finished with “of course you do.”
Sometimes, it seems like a lot of work, but it is fun, and I think it

helps to keep us active and involved. Here are couple of pictures, I can't show you too much. We don't want the competition to know what we are doing, too soon. :-)
Later, J
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