Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas at Our House.

Christmas at our house- We all got lots of good stuff, I got a Garmin GPS for the car, Charlie got a new staple gun, We went shopping together, and got them at the same time, We were looking for something for Ben, and Charlie said - Oh I need one of these.

I said do you need it before Christmas, if not put it in the cart I will wrap it and put it under the tree.
He already knew he wanted to get me the GPS, so picked it out and we paid for it.

Christmas Day, as I was about to open my gift I said "Gee I wonder what this is" and he looked at me funny, I said it is from you, still no glue, I opened it and he said oooh.

He opened his and I something like Gee, I hope that is what you wanted, since you picked it out, He said, I did? I guess he's right he needs to remember to take his ginkgo biloba pills or something :-) He also got a professional picture of Shonda (and Anna)

I also got a magic bullet blender and some new mixing bowls from Shonda,

Shonda got a new coat and tickets to the Taylor Swift Concert at the Wharton Center in January.

Shonda went to Kentucky on Christmas Day evening, with Brian's family to spend time with Brian's mom's side of the family. I think they are planning on coming back today.

You may remember I told you a couple of posts ago that I was scheduled to go to the sleep clinic.
I was not scheduled to spend the night at the sleep disorder clinic until January 28th, but they had a cancellation and asked me if I could come in called me on Wednesday December 26th.

The Dr. had told me they would do it in two nights: the first night they would watch me sleep with out the apparatus, the second night, which was already scheduled for February , they would put me in the apparatus and compare sleep patterns etc.

They wired me up and I went to bed about 10:30. They came in at one point, I'm guessing about midnight, and put an oxygen tube in my nose, and asked me to sleep on my back, I always sleep on my side. At the initial consultation they asked all kinds of questions, one was, have you ever woke up thinking you were suffocating, at the time I said no. Now I can see why they asked that question, there were about three times, I could not get a breath. They finally told me I could get in a comfortable position.

At about 3:00 AM they came in and put me on the CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure) machine. I slept until about 7, and woke up by myself. So I had about 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep and felt better than the previous day when I got 8 hours. I felt more rested and nothing hurt.

So somebody is supposed to call me to set me up with a CPAP machine so I can use it for a few weeks before I see the Dr. again on February 11th.

Lynn told me that there is some indication that the sleep apnea can contribute to being overweight instead of the reverse like they have thought for many years. He had a patient that weighed over 300 pounds, and year after being treated for Sleep Apnea had lost 100 pounds, without going on a diet. He just didn't feel like eating, and had more energy.

I hope it makes me feel better, I am tired of being tired all the time.

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