I told you a couple of days ago Charlie woke me up to go to work on the 4
th because he forgot it was a holiday.
Well he woke me up again yesterday (Saturday) and asked me if I was going to work, I told him no it’s Saturday and he said it is?
Geeze- these retirees have no idea what day it is.
I had a great time at Jordon Keeley’s wedding
yesterday evening, the Sunset ceremony was lovely, and the water skiing bride and groom were unusual and entertaining. I got some pictures but most of them are not very good, but here are a few of them. I will post more on flickr. Click the link and do a search for betzspt.
The best part was getting to see family members we don’t get to see very often.
Troy, Cheryl, Jeff and Lauren. All the kids,

who are growing up way to fast. Oh yeah Lois' friend Marsha.

I am sooo glad all of you have such a good time picking on me about my “unfortunate ankle incident.” I swear I think it does run in the family. At least I found out who made the anonymous comment about crawling to the car. I won’t tell you who it is because she obliviously wanted to remain incognito but her name starts with Debbie. : -) And yes, I did drop salad dressing on my shirt- I swear my mother makes me do these things. She would have had a great time, or should I say she did have a great time.
Emily and Christian asked me who I was, I mean really! Just because I only see them every 3 or 4 years. You would think they would
remember ME. Troy said he told the kids who everybody was on the way up, and told them to write it down, but Emily thought that was too much work or something.
I told her she didn't have to write it down, I have all of my family history information on my computer. I can e-mail it to you as a gedcom file if you have a genealogy program or pdf but it is 119 pages. I can also mail it through the post office if you will pay for copies and postage. Let me know.
When I started this blog, I sent the url to lots of people but I don't have everyone's e-mail address so if you know of anyone who you think would be interested please tell them about it, and please make comments, so I know someone is reading this, it is fun doing the writing, but it is more fun hearing from all of you.