I taught 4 computer classes and attended 2 workshops.
Wednesday I had an eye Dr. appointment. After the exam, the Dr. said she was concerned because there was such a big change in my prescription. They called Dr. Van Wagnen's office and made an appoint for 3:00 that afternoon. at Lynn's office I sat in the waiting room for 45 minutes, then in the examining room so long, I thought they might have forgotten about me. I was there a total of 2 and 1/2 hours.
They checked my blood glucose level, it was 260, my blood pressure was 160 over 90.
So I now have a blood glucose meter, and have to check my blood everyday. I was not feeling bad, and I thought I was doing well, I had lost another 10 pounds. Lynn said it was because of the sugar, and I would probably put some of it back on, while we are trying to regulate the sugar. Yippee :(
I get home and found out Charlie had gone to his Dr. because his toes have been bothering him. A few months ago he had the Dr. look at them and was told it was a fungus, got some cream for the toes and spray for the boots. This time the Doc said he has no idea what it is, drew some blood and made an appoint at the podiatrist
A couple of days ago Shonda called to tell me she was going to the Med station because she has an abscess ( an in-grown hair?) or something in her arm pit. The Dr. told her it would probably have to be lanced, but gave her some antibiotics and told her to try those for a few days, because she has no insurance and a very low pain tolerance. So Wednesday on my way home from work she called to tell me she was on the way to the emergency room, the med station wasn't open, to have them look at this thing because it has gotten about 10 times bigger (her words not mine). She called at about midnight to let me know she was just leaving the ER. They had lanced the abscess.
Thursday Charlie said he drove the truck over a bump and the wheels started shaking, He took it in today- wheel bearings need to be replaced.
My car sprung a coolant leak, I put more coolant in it, and decided to take it to the mechanic across the street from the library on Friday.
I put coolant in it, started for work, by the time I got to Jackson, it started to overheat, I managed to make it to work. It is a broken head gasket it will cost over $1000.
OK! ENOUGH! That was depressing, but like the song says
That's Life. Now the Good News I have a job, we have our house
Charlies truck loan is paid off.
A friend has loaned his truck for the next few days
The weather has been beautiful the last couple of days
The daffodils have lots and lots of buds and there are even a few blooms.

The rhubarb, the Iris, even some lilies are sprouting

The pussy willow is already going to seed already. The

forsythia and Periwinkle are blooming.
I have managed to stay on the South Beach Diet for 3 days and think I have already lost a few more pounds :)