Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fooled Again

The weather this week was absolutely fabulous. Earlier in the week the temperatures set new record highs above 60 degrees.
Yesterday the high was only 38 but as I was driving home I couldn't help but notice that all the snow was gone except for a few charcoal colored piles that the snow plows had created a few weeks ago. The grass and fields were brown but it almost felt like spring. As much as I am ready for spring I know that we still several weeks of winter left.

This is what it looked like at 10:00 this morning.

I can't tell for sure what the temperature is but the weather site says it is about 27 degrees.

Charlie just got back from a walk. He said there is about 4 inches, it is about done snowing and it is starting to melt (so the temp must be higher than 27)

The apple trees. I will have to go out and see if the forsythia and lilacs have any buds. They are probably frozen.

Charlie and some of the neighbor girls went for a long horseback ride (most of the day long).

He has been having some problems with his little toes for a few weeks. He finally went to the doctor. They think it is a fungus, from his winter boots that are several years old and the insulation has gotten wet. He has some medicine to put on them and had to spray his boots with a fungicide.

I have been busy this week, training new employees and holding public computer classes.
I taught computers for 5 hours on Tuesday, a total of 12 hours this week. We are also short handed in the Admin office I had responsibility for the phones all day Friday.

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