Friday, January 2, 2009

Comfort Foods

Here I am staring a blank page and not knowing what to write about. We had my family Christmas on Sunday the 27th. We all had fun with the babies. I worked 2 days, then had 2 days off, then worked one day, and have two days off. Geeze, next week I have to work 40 hours, that may be hard.

It has been nice being able to drive to work on clear dry roads this week after so much snow for several days.

I didn't make any new years resolutions this year, I usually don't stick to them anyway.

My brother suggested that after I wrote the blog about what yuckky things, we ate or our parents made us eat as kids. I should do a blog about what are some of the good things we ate as kids, what was your favorite food? Do you still like it? Have you had it recently? Is it the same as it was when you were a kid.

I'll start: I used to love my grandmother's cherry pudding. I tried to make it a while back, using her recipe, it was awful.
I loved her molasses cookies but I can't make them either. I guess Michelle has figured it out.
Other favorites - Mom's potato soup. homemade bread, sugar cookies .....
Your turn. Leave a comment and let me know.


  1. Not a fan of Cherry pudding, but I do love Jenn's homemade Potato Soup. I wonder if it is anything like Grandma's was? Hmm. I wouldn't know.

    I'm drawing a blank now. I loved my Grandma's pumpkin pie. Many have tried to recreate it, but it just isn't the same.

  2. I love Jenn's homemade Potato Soup. Yum! I also loved my Grandma's pumpkin pie when I was growing up. Pumpkin pie is still my favorite, but no one could make it like hers.


Your turn. Let me know what you think.