Sunday, April 20, 2008

Six words, one sentence, a memoir.

I was looking at Youtube for the learning 2.0 blog I am creating at work and ran across this video.

Go here to see some responses to the video, then you try it. Send me the comments - your life six words right now. This could be interesting.

I'm headed up to Mt. Pleasant this week-end to appraise the state tournament maybe, I'll ask some of the kids for their response.

I had a long day yesterday ( Saturday) I appraised High School and Middle School teams from 7:30 AM to 5:45 PM. then stayed for the awards ceremony. Springport's structure team is going on to Global Finals in Knoxville, TN in May.

My six words: hmmm. Yesterday: Long day, awesome solutions, feeling proud.

Today: Great weather, Dirty house outside or in?

1 comment:

  1. I have to think about this one. I'll figure out my six words and post 'em soon.


Your turn. Let me know what you think.