While we are waiting for him to come back up, tour buses of people are stopping to watch, asking who is that? why did he do that? do you think he'll make it back up? For the record it took him

On Saturday we crossed the bridge and went to the 'Soo'. Then to Whitefish point. We told Chris he had to walk out the pilings in the lake. A couple standing on the observation deck

On Sunday we headed for pictured rocks and stopped to look at the "Log Slide" on the trail, a nice clear trail, through the woods, to the observation deck I stepped on a twig about the size of a cigar butt. the only twig on the whole trail. It rolled, so did my foot. I went down, got up, brushed myself off and kept going about 200 yards.

OK, for those of you who know us, you can probably guess the rest of this but I'm going to tell you anyway.
I told them I would drive up to the light house and meet them there (I couldn't walk three miles on a good day.) I drove and and drove and drove, on a two track through woods and sand etc., stopped turned around, went down a track to a Hurricane River Campground. Didn't see a camp ground or a lighthouse. Went back to the information center, (every time I got out the car, my ankle felt worse). There is NO drive to the light house, so I went back to the parking lot at the log slide. and figured they would have to come back that way.
By this time my ankle hurts just sitting there so I tried to elevate and put ice from the cooler on it. I hobbled to the rest room, my ankle is worse, after another 15-20 minutes I thought well I go set at a picnic table. I couldn't put weight on the foot at all.
The finally got back at about 12:30 after walking to the camp ground from the lighthouse then out to the road. probably another 10 -12 miles.
We decided I should probably have the ankle looked at, stopped at the information center and found out the nearest emergency room is in Newberry- which we drove through yesterday afternoon and was 2 hours away. There was a hospital in Munising but their emergency room isn't always open.
By the time we got to the hospital, Charlie stopped at the door, I got out and said something like, uh guys this isn't working, I can't walk, they finally brought a wheel chair to get to the examine room. They X-rayed it and said we don't think it is broken, but it looks like there is an old break that you may have aggravated, (I don't know when that happened, I have NEVER been treated for a broken bone,)put ice on it for 24 hours, elevate it, when you are sitting and keep weight off of it for 1 week, and gave me a pair of crutches. I am not real coordinated to start with, (obviously if I tripped on a twig) you'd get a real laugh to see me on crutches.
Before we left the ER a nurse is trying to teach me how to use the crutches, and says "you look like you're having trouble, would you like me to get you a walker?"
I said jeeze, you are really trying to make me feel old aren't you?"
Another nurse, says, from around the corner, " yeah why don't you just get her some blue hair while your at it."

After that we headed for Palm Book State Park, to see the Big Springs. I decided not to try to make it to the boat because I was still not doing well with crutches. (I had only used them for about 5 minutes) before we got back in the car. It is hard to tell from this picture but Charlie said these trout are about 3 feet long.
The next day Charlie and Chris went to pictured rocks to take

Now thats a visual, Joyce with blue hair and a walker.
ReplyDeleteSounds like quite an eventful trip! Up north is so pretty, its easy to forget that....living in Jackson.
Joyce your Mother would be proud you didn't have to crawl back to the truck to get help. Somethings just run in the family. Hope your feeling better.
ReplyDeleteDid you not see the stick because your eyes were glued to a couple of wooden moose?
ReplyDeletep.s. Hi Joyce! (Guess who?) :)
Joyce, if you fell and I was there, I couldn't have helped you because I would have been wiping the tears from laughing.
ReplyDeleteSleeping Bear Dunes...ran up and down them 47 times the summer of '75. Couldn't run up and down them once even in my mind.
Had an overnight mgmt teambuilding at Oak Mountain State Park and thought about you...are you sure you didn't break a bone or something when you were there?
Gee, Thanks Troy, you were my favorite cousin too. Actually, I said something like, wouldn't you know, one stick on the whole path, and *I* found it. I thought of mom and "Avon Crawling" that day too, but you really should see me trying to use crutches, :-) I just can't get the walker and blue hair until after your Mom and Aunt Sharon do, you know.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a great time. and looks like you still have the Choate /Gilbert Luck.
ReplyDeleteDidn't Ed and a couple of his friends try that trek down the Dunes and back up?I say try because I don't think they made it back up.