Created just because I can. To stay in touch with friends and family, to share information and I hope fun. To talk about what is going on in my life. Check back often. I will try to update often.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Good news. Lynn says I have lost 54 pounds, ( thought it was 51) Blood pressure is down, he decreased meds. OK I'm done b****** now.
Thanks for listening
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Ok, Roy's side kick was Pat Brady.
Pat Butram was Gene Autry's sidekick and may years later was on Green Acres.
Of course this brought up other Side kicks and other shows we used to watch on Saturday morning. Does anybody remeber Jingles Jones (Andy Devine) I also found out that he also played "Cookie" in some Roy Rogers movies. How about Sky King, and of course the Lone Ranger, and Sgt Preston of the Yukon. What others do you remember? Let me know either in the comments section or on facebook.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Back from Vacation
Spent time with my brother, sister and brother-in-law. Didn't get to spend time with the younger members of the family because they all had to work some of them couldn't come until last night or today and Shonda couldn't come at all and I had to get back for an appointment.
Having grown up and vacationed in Michigan, I have been to alot of places, but some how missed the Tawas area.Tawas is a nice park, right on Tawas point, so you have the bay on one side of the west side of the park and Lake Huron on the East. There a The campsites are pretty wide, but not very deep, and it was pretty crowded even though there were 10- 15 sites open each day.
The weather was good, it rained but not until evening, yesterday was absolutely beautiful.
Charlie and I went up the coast and stopped at to Iargo Springs, this is a picture of the steps going down to Iargo Springs this is a picture of the stairs going down to the Springs, and the sign.

These pictures are from the overlook at Iargo (by the way Iargo means land of many waters)
There were even more steps down to the river from the lumberman's monument that we visited yesterday.
I also got a some decent pictures of the lighthouse and the sunset. If I ever decide to start

Monday, August 3, 2009
Chicken Fat
Hey it’s only been a week since I posted last. I'm doing good.
Most of the time I agree with Jenn, usually what I do doesn’t seem to blog worthy.
I lost 4 pounds last week, but gained 2 over the week-end.
We have been having a discussion at work about exercise and fat etc.
I remembered a song called Chicken Fat or Go you Chicken Fat go (by Robert Preston) in the early 60’s for the President’s council on Physical Fitness.
Only 3 of us say they remember it, but I thought would share with all of you. Just for fun
This is the first one I found, just the song and a power point presentation
This one kind of what it looked like when I was in school, except that we only had 12 kids in my class. I am not sure I could do the whole 6 minutes now,
But I probably could do this version
This version the little cartoon just makes me laugh. It reminded Jean and I of a dance we used to do call the