Geeze, I can't believe it has been a whole month since I posted.
No reason just nothing to blog about. Like I told somebody the other day, doing laundry and grocery shopping don't make for very exciting blogs.
Let's see what's been going on.
Charlie and I took a three of the neighborhood girls to a horse competition a couple of weeks ago. The first one 2 of them had every been to, and the first time for one of the horses.
It was cold- I think the weather kept some people away, there was about 25 competitors in different age levels.
They did well, they all places in at least one event.
Shonda moved into her own apartment about 10 days ago. She went shopping in my house before she left.
" I need a lamp"
"I'm going to take this book case, and this dresser.
"Can I take this display rack?"
"I'm taking these mugs", (as she takes them out of the cupboard- I got her some from the camper)
"Can I take this coffee pot?"
I asked if she needed plates, then decided she could take paper plates and plastic spoons. After all like Charlie said- why do you need real plates for pizza.
She has called several times, usually about putting money in her checking account. Says she has another job lined up to clean someone's house, and maybe another house cleaning.
Shonda and I are going to see Grease at the Wharton Center with some friends on Thursday. Taylor Hicks from American Idol has a part, I think the Frankie Avalon teen angel part. I'll let you know how it is .
Charlie is the new 4H horse leader. We found out the Springport Township was going to be discussing the possibility of a huge horse park in the township, so he went to the meeting. He is now on a committee. I am not sure the purpose of the committee, see what they can do to help, feasiblity ???
Oh, I have signed up for a twitter account. I am not sure about it, but I have been reading a lot of library and trainer blogs writing about it lately. So I thought I would try it see how it works.
so far, I'm getting really exciting comments, almost as exciting as doing laundry and buying groceries. It may take a while to get the right people for networking. find me at
Found a really funny e-card maker today. It is called elfyourself I sent a card to Jenn and Arthur. watch for one in your inbox. The one below (previous post) is one I made of people at work, Shonda and me.
Guess that's all for now- I'll blog ya later, or maybe tweet.