Created just because I can. To stay in touch with friends and family, to share information and I hope fun. To talk about what is going on in my life. Check back often. I will try to update often.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
23 technology things
The purpose is to introduce the library staff to new technologies. Some of the employees are really afraid to try new things. So I borrowed an idea from some other libraries and started the Jackson District Library Learning 2.0 program.
Each week, I will post a new blog about a "new" technology thing. Each post will include some discovery resources and exercises.
If anybody is interested in looking at it go to the Jackson District Library, Learning 2.0 site.
You are free to follow along and try some of the new things, if you want.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Brain Pain Answers
26 Letters of the Alphabet
7 Days of the Week
1001 Arabian Nights
12 Signs of the Zodiac
54 Cards in A Deck with the Joker
9 Planets in the Solar System
88 Piano Keys
13 Stripes on the American Flag
32 Degrees Fahrenheit at which Water Freezes
18 Holes on a Golf Course
90 Degrees in a Right Angle
200 Dollars or Points for Passing Go in Monopoly
8 Sides on a Stop Sign
3 Blind Mice See How They Run
4 Quarts in a Gallon
24 Hours in a Day
1 Wheel on a Unicycle
5 Digits in a Zip Code
57 Heinz Varities
11 Players on a Football Team
1000 Words that a Picture is Worth
28 Days in February in a non Leap Year
64 Squares on a Checkerboard
40 Days and nights on the Great Flood
76 Trombones in the Big Parade
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover
99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
60 Seconds in a Minute
1 Horn on a Unicorn
9 Justices on a Supreme Court
7 Brides for Seven Brothers
21 Dots on a Die
7 Wonders of the Ancient World
15 Men on a Dead Mans Chest
Let us know how many you got correct, by commenting below.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Brain Pain
This is a test to gauge your mental flexibility and creativity, and jus tfor fun- can you figure out what words the letters in each of the phrases below stand for?
Hint sometimes it helps if you do the easy ones first- then put it down for a while the answers may pop into you head at unexpected moments.
Example: 16 = O in a P Answer: 16 Ounces in a Pound
26 = L of the A
7 = D of the W
1001= AN
12 = S of the Z
54 = C in a D (with J)
9 = P in the SS
88 = PK
13 S on the AF
32 = DF at which WF
18 = H on a GC
90 = D in a RA
200 = P for PG in M
(D for PG in M)
8 = S on a SS
3 = BM (SHTR)
4 = Q in a G
24 = H in a D
1 = W on a U
5 = D in a ZC
57 = HV
11 = P on a FBT
1000 = W that a P is W
28= D in F in a LY
64 = S on a CB
40 = D and N on the GF
76 = T in the BP
50 = W to LYL
99 = B of B on the W
60= S in an M
1 = H on a U
9 = J on a SC
7 = B for SB
21 = D on a D
7 = W of the AW
15 = M on a DMC
Friday, February 8, 2008
The 60's continues

This is the picture I wanted to have with the previous post, but had to wait until I got home to find it. I know my immediate family will remember these lovely fashion statements, but now that I am posting it I notice that it is not offically the '60s, it is really 1959. Oh well close enough.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Memories -the sixtes.

I don't have a lot of time, I'm at work, but I did want you all to see this. It is kind of cool and has great music . Great Memories- the sixties
Like it says, if it is before your time just set back and enjoy.
I have a great picture at home that I was going to but I apparently don't have it here so I will post it later.
Some of you may remember this clothing fad though.